Monday, September 4, 2017

Workbench Update - Sep 2017

Having settled into my new painting table setup (which is only temporary until a new house can be acquired) and sent our three oldest girls off to their new lives (two to Germany and one to university in Ontario), I have finally struggled through my latest addition to the ImagiNation collection. At least a year ago, I purchased some Gringo 40s Mameluke mounted musicians. These are gorgeous figures and part of the reason I hadn't started them was that I was a little intimidated by the detail. Once started, I couldn't lay them aside and work on something else as I would normally do because my new allotted work space is much smaller than before the move. Thus, I can work on only one thing at a time. This is a bit of a transition for me as I've always had a lot of space and able to switch between projects as whims directed.

Kronprinzs östlichen Kavallerieband.
These wild characters sport the traditional KaiserReich blue uniforms. Lest anyone think these are merely pansy musicians trying to impress with their cacophonous attempts at martial music... think again. They carry scimitars and pistols and thus have combat value!

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